Waterford & South Tipperary Local Area Employment Services Welcome Pack


Welcome to your Intreo Partner Local Area Employment Service (LAES). This service is designed to progress ­ you towards employment. We provide a personalised support package tailored to your individual ­employment and skills needs.

Intreo Partners have been delivering employment advice and support services in Ireland since 1999. We are passionate about strengthening our communities through employment and helping to improve our clients’ lives.

Our Local Area Employment Services are fully accessible:

  • Your nearest centre will be a journey time of no more than 60 minutes driving or by public transport;
  • Our opening hours are 9am–5pm (Monday to Friday).
  • You will have access to IT facilities for job searching. We will provide any necessary training to help you use these facilities effectively.

Throughout LAES, you will receive dedicated support from your expert Caseworker, including:

  • A one-to-one, face-to-face meeting with your advisor within 15 working days of your referral;
  • Creating a Personal Progression Plan (PPP) within 20 days of your referral. Your advisor will assess your skills, experience, needs and work goals.
  • Your PPP will be based on your unique support needs, employment goals.
  • Scheduled review meetings with your advisor (every 20 days). Reviews will enable us to work with you to update the PPP as your support needs and circumstances change.

We are here to support you as much as you need throughout the programme and we will invite you to these scheduled reviews each month.

Core services: Your Caseworker will work with you through our core range to support you to understand the local job market and identify the most suitable roles. This support will include:

  • Support and training to use various job search platforms effectively;
  • Job coaching, job brokering services, and job matching (using our live database of job vacancies);
  • One-to-one support .
  • CV writing workshops and interview preparation;
  • Regular contact from your Caseworker once you enter employment.

Targeted services: We will provide more tailored and targeted support to help you overcome any additional needs and barriers to employment. Examples of this support include:

  • Access to local service directories in our centres and signposting to specialist community organisations;
  • Signposting to external training and work experience programmes in your community.

End of programme review: At the end of the programme, you will receive your final PPP. This will include a moving on plan, with links to further support, a reference letter, and details of any work experience, employment or training you have completed during the programme. If you have not moved into work by the end of the programme, you will also have a review with your advisor.

Structured feedback and complaints process helps us to improve our service.


During your time on the Local Area Employment Service, we aim to deliver­ a first-class professional experience that supports you on your journey towards employment.

You will have regular opportunities to provide feedback on the service you have received through periodic online surveys. Outcomes and actions on any feedback will be communicated to you. Our complaints procedure is displayed in our centre and on our website and is included in your welcome pack. When we receive a written complaint, we will acknowledge this within three working days and communicate outcomes in writing within 15 working days

Complaints and compliments are used to improve the service we deliver to you. Our Complaints Procedure is displayed in our centre, on our website and is included in your Welcome Pack. Please follow the steps below to tell us about your experience:

  • We to provide you the best possible service and aim to close of any concerns or complaints at source.
  • We aim to acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days .
  • The line manager will provide you with a written response within 15 working days, or an update on when to expect an official response if it will take longer.
  • If you remain dissatisfied, you can escalate your complaint to a more senior manager within 10 workings days of receipt of your response letter.
  • Where a complaint remains unresolved, you can request the Department of Social Protection to carry out a review.
  • Following the review, if you remain dissatisfied with the outcome, you can refer the matter to the office of the Ombudsman.

We treat each client fairly and as an individual. If you ever feel this is not the case, please let us know.

If you have any concerns or questions, we want to hear them so please raise them with your Caseworker.


If any issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, then please put your concerns in writing to: WST LAES Manager Presentation Building, 2nd Floor, Mitchell Street, Dungarvan, Co Waterford X35 DE98, or email to info@wst.ie

Client obligationsTo receive jobseekers’ payments from Intreo, you must meet the following conditions:

1- You must be available for and genuinely seeking full-time work.

2 – You must endeavour to make full use of services and support that the DEASP provide for you in your search for full time work.

Job Vacancies:

To view current job vacancies in your area please visit our Facebook page  https://www.wst.ie/jobs-opportunities/ for regular updates.

Recruitment Websites:

A list of links to local and national recruitment websites is included in your pack.

Further Education & Training Opportunities:

A list of links to further education and training programmes are included below and on our website . https://www.wst.ie/recruitment-agency-and-job-search-websites/

Job Search & Recruitment Links

Recruitment Agencies

Further Education & Training Providers

Dungarvan College
Dungarvan Adult Education Centre
Fetch Courses
Waterford Wexford ETB
Adult Education VTOS
Waterford Skillnet
The Further Education and Training Hub
Access IT
Tipperary Adult Learning Centre Dillion St, Clonmel, Co Tipperary 052 6127543
Tipperary Education and Training Board Western Road, Clonmel, Co Tipperary 051 640746
Back to Education Initiative Old Army Barracks, Dillon St, Clonmel, Co Tipperary 052 6176755

Fáilte chuig do Sheirbhís Fostaíochta Áitiúil Comhpháirtí Intreo (LAES). Tá an tseirbhís seo deartha chun dul chun cinn a dhéanamh duit i dtreo fostaíochta. Soláthraímid pacáiste tacaíochta pearsantaithe atá sainoiriúnaithe do do riachtanais fhostaíochta agus scileanna aonair.

Tá Comhpháirtithe Intreo ag soláthar comhairle fostaíochta agus seirbhísí tacaíochta in Éirinn ó 1999. Tá paisean againn as ár bpobail a neartú trí fhostaíocht agus cabhrú le saol ár gcliant a fheabhsú.

Tá ár Seirbhísí Fostaíochta Áitiúil go hiomlán inrochtana:

Beidh d’ionad is gaire taobh istigh de am taistil nach mó ná 60 nóiméad tiomána nó iompair phoiblí;

Is iad ár n-uaireanta oscailte 9rn–5in (Luan go hAoine).

Beidh rochtain agat ar áiseanna TF le haghaidh cuardaigh poist. Soláthróimid an oiliúint riachtanach chun cabhrú leat na háiseanna seo a úsáid go héifeachtach.

Le linn LAES, gheobhaidh tú tacaíocht thiomnaithe ó do Chúntóir Cás saineolach, lena n-áirítear:

Cruinniú aghaidh ar aghaidh le d’abhcóide laistigh de 15 lá oibre tar éis d’atruach;

Plean Dul Chun Cinn Pearsanta (PPP) a chruthú laistigh de 20 lá tar éis d’atruach. Déanfaidh do chomhairleoir measúnú ar do scileanna, taithí, riachtanais agus spriocanna oibre.

Beidh do PPP bunaithe ar do riachtanais tacaíochta uathúla, spriocanna fostaíochta.

Cruinnithe athbhreithnithe sceidealaithe le d’abhcóide (gach 20 lá). Cuideoidh na hathbhreithnithe linn oibriú leat chun an PPP a nuashonrú de réir mar a athraíonn do riachtanais tacaíochta agus do chúinsí.

Táimid anseo chun tacú leat chomh mór agus is gá le linn an chláir agus cuirfimid cuireadh chugat chuig na hathbhreithnithe sceidealaithe seo gach mí.

Seirbhísí lárnacha: Oibreoidh do Chúntóir Cás leat trí ár réimse lárnach chun tacú leat tuiscint a fháil ar an margadh poist áitiúil agus na róil is oiriúnaí a aithint. Áireofar leis an tacaíocht seo:

Tacaíocht agus oiliúint chun ardáin éagsúla cuardaigh poist a úsáid go héifeachtach;

Cóitseáil poist, seirbhísí broicéireachta poist, agus meaitseáil poist (ag baint úsáide as ár mbunachar sonraí beo de dheiseanna fostaíochta);

Tacaíocht aonair.

Ceardlanna scríbhneoireachta CV agus ullmhúchán agallaimh;

Teagmháil rialta ó do Chúntóir Cás nuair a théann tú i mbun fostaíochta.

Seirbhísí dírithe: Soláthróimid tacaíocht níos sainiúla agus níos spriocdhírithe chun cabhrú leat aon riachtanais bhreise agus bacainní ar fhostaíocht a shárú. I measc shamplaí den tacaíocht seo tá:

Rochtain ar eolairí seirbhíse áitiúla inár n-ionaid agus comharthaíocht chuig eagraíochtaí pobail speisialtóra;

Comharthaíocht chuig cláir oiliúna agus taithí oibre seachtracha i do phobal.

Athbhreithniú deiridh an chláir: Ag deireadh an chláir, gheobhaidh tú do PPP deiridh. Áireofar leis seo plean bogadh ar aghaidh, le naisc le tacaíocht bhreise, litir tagartha, agus sonraí faoi aon taithí oibre, fhostaíocht nó oiliúint a chríochnaigh tú le linn an chláir. Mura bhfuil tú tar éis bogadh isteach i bhfostaíocht faoi dheireadh an chláir, beidh athbhreithniú agat freisin le do chomhairleoir.

Cabhraíonn próiseas aiseolais agus gearán struchtúrtha linn ár seirbhís a fheabhsú.

Le linn do chuid ama ar an tSeirbhís Fostaíochta Áitiúil, tá sé mar aidhm againn taithí ghairmiúil den chéad scoth a sholáthar a thacaíonn leat ar do thuras i dtreo fostaíochta.

Beidh deiseanna rialta agat aiseolas a thabhairt ar an tseirbhís a fuair tú trí shuirbhéanna ar líne tréimhsiúla. Cuirfear torthaí agus gníomhartha ar aon aiseolas in iúl duit. Tá ár nós imeachta gearán le feiceáil inár n-ionad agus ar ár suíomh Gréasáin agus tá sé san áireamh i do phacáiste fáilte. Nuair a fhaighimid gearán i scríbhinn, admhóimid é laistigh de thrí lá oibre agus cuirfimid torthaí in iúl i scríbhinn laistigh de 15 lá oibre.

Úsáidtear gearáin agus moltaí chun an tseirbhís a sholáthraímid duit a fheabhsú. Tá ár Nós Imeachta Gearán le feiceáil inár n-ionad, ar ár suíomh Gréasáin agus tá sé san áireamh i do Phacáiste Fáilte. Lean na céimeanna thíos chun insint dúinn faoi do thaithí:

Tá sé mar aidhm againn an tseirbhís is fearr is féidir a chur ar fáil duit agus aon imní nó gearáin a réiteach ag an bhfoinse.

Tá sé mar aidhm againn do ghearán a admháil laistigh de 3 lá oibre.

Cuirfidh an bainisteoir líne freagra i scríbhinn ar fáil duit laistigh de 15 lá oibre, nó nuashonrú ar cathain a bheifear ag súil le freagra oifigiúil más gá níos mó ama.

Má tá tú fós míshásta, is féidir leat do ghearán a ardú le bainisteoir sinsearaí laistigh de 10 lá oibre tar éis freagra a fháil.

Más rud é nach réitítear gearán, is féidir leat iarraidh ar an Roinn Cosanta Sóisialaí athbhreithniú a dhéanamh.

Tar éis an athbhreithnithe, más rud é go bhfuil tú fós míshásta leis an toradh, is féidir leat an t-ábhar a atreorú chuig oifig an Ombudsman.

Cóireálaimid gach cliant go cothrom agus mar dhuine aonair. Má mhothaíonn tú riamh nach bhfuil sé seo amhlaidh, cuir in iúl dúinn le do thoil.

Má tá aon imní nó ceisteanna agat, ba mhaith linn iad a chloisteáil mar sin cuir i láthair iad le do Chúntóir Cás.


Mura réitítear aon cheist chun do shástachta, cuir do chuid imní i scríbhinn chuig: Bainisteoir WST LAES, Foirgneamh na gCur i Láthair, Urlár 2, Sráid Mitchell, Dún Garbhán, Co. Phort Láirge X35 DE98, nó ríomhphost chuig info@wst.ie

Oibleagáidí an Chliaint: Chun
íocaíochtaí lucht cuardaigh fostaíochta a fháil ó Intreo, ní mór duit na
coinníollacha seo a leanas a chomhlíonadh:

Ní mór duit a bheith ar fáil agus ag lorg fostaíochta
lánaimseartha go dáiríre.

Ní mór duit iarracht a dhéanamh chun leas iomlán a bhaint as na
seirbhísí agus an tacaíocht a chuireann an DEASP ar fáil duit i do chuardach le
haghaidh obair lánaimseartha.