Your CV is not just a summary of your work experience and education, it is part of your personal brand and tells the story of why you are right for the job you are applying for. You want an employer to read your CV and get excited about meeting you. That’s why it’s so important that you tailor your CV to the job you want. Our experienced caseworkers can help you to write and edit your CVs and cover letters through one-to-one sessions and group training workshops.
Níl do CV ach cuid de do mbranda pearsanta agus
léiríonn sé scéal faoin fáth gur tú an ceart don phost ar atá tú ag iarraidh.
Ba mhaith leat go mbeadh fostóir ag léamh do CV agus ar tóir tú a bheith ar bís
faoi bheith ag bualadh leat. Sin an fáth go bhfuil sé chomh tábhachtach go
gcuireann tú do CV in oiriúint don phost atá tú ag iarraidh. Is féidir ár
gcásaitheoirí taithí aitheanta cabhrú leat le do CVanna agus do litreacha cuirp
a scríobh agus a chur in eagar trí sheisiúin duine-a-chóime agus ceardlanna oiliúna
grúpa. Ár gcúig chomhairle is fearr do CV a bhuachan ná:
Our top five tips for a winning CV are:
- Tailor your CV to the job and company you are applying to – one size does not fit all with CVs.
- Look for key words and phrases in the job description and match your experience to these core attributes.
- Don’t waste words – keep your CV short, relevant and factual.
- Use action verbs and positive language to describe your responsibilities and achievements.
- Check, double check and triple check your CV for spelling, grammar and accuracy.